The A-Z Guide of preparing your Motorbike for the Winter Season

As snow is beginning to fall across the UK, it’s time to tuck in your motorbike or moped in for the winter and say goodbye to another riding season.  But before you do, spend a little time giving your bike some TLC to protect it whilst it is in storage and to make sure it’s ready and good condition to ride for next spring.

Have your prepared your Motorbike for the Winter Season?

Have your prepared your Motorbike for the Winter Season?

Not sure where to start? We have put together an A-Z Guide for preparing your motorbike for the Winter Season.

Air Filter This is a good time to clean and change the air filter of your bike.
Aluminium / Chrome Parts and Rims Cleaning the chrome and aluminium parts, then coating them with a good chrome polish will keep these areas relatively clean, and easier for Spring clean-up. To keep the tarnish off (especially on the aluminium), a coat of silicone lube will give some protection (to be washed off in the Spring).
Battery Use a battery conditioner during the Winter months. Remove the battery from the motorcycle. Clean the terminals. Check the fluid level (add if necessary). Hint: Use a flashlight to shine through the case to view the level. Attach a Battery Tender/ Trickle Charge to keep the battery in good shape. Place the battery on a wood plank (not directly on concrete).
Belt Drive The belt is often ignored until there is a problem. Check the belt for signs of wear and damage, and clean the belt with mild soap and water when washing your bike. Towel dry while inspecting. Belts typically last in excess of 50,000 miles.
Compressor Make sure your tires are properly inflated. If you have a compressor then deflate your tires first to expel any moisture, then inflate with clean compressed air. You should repeat this step before riding again in the spring.If possible, elevate your bike so both tires are not under load. This is especially important if the bike will be stored in freezing conditions. Make sure your bike is secure. Motorcycle lifts with bottle jacks have been known to fail when left under prolonged load.
Drive Chain Adjust per the specification. If you have a chain drive, lube the chain with chain lube or even a light grease (leave a note to clean excess in Spring). Put newspaper or cloth under this area to catch the drips.
Exhaust Pipes Prevent any Insects and bugs climbing into Exhaust Pipes, so stuff a clean rag in the end of your pipe, or cover with a plastic bag (secured with a rubber band). Leave a note to remove the rags in Spring. Note: A touch of fuel oil or WD-40 on the cloth or shop towel will discourage most critters from making a home in the pipe (with the rag). Be cautious on the amount of fuel oil or oil used. Dampen, not soaked, then stuff in the pipe(s).
Frame (and other painted areas) Apply a coat of wax on the painted areas of a bike to keep condensation from damaging the metal. Note: The frame is often neglected, but it should be waxed prior to winter storage just like other painted parts.
Gasoline Run Carb(s) out of Gasoline before winter storage, and add some gasoline stabilizer to your tank per the instructions. Also change the filter plug when storing your bike away.
Helmet Liner There are products advertised to “freshen” your helmet that work okay. However, a simpler and cheaper method is to use a little Ivory dish soap or Dr. Bonner’s Peppermint Oil Soap and warm water along with a soft bristle brush to clean and refresh your helmet foruse in the Spring. Note: A damp cloth rubbed around the inside does wonders every week or so. Allow the helmet to dry before using.
Location Store your Bike away from the window (light fades paint and cracks leather).
Leather Eagle One Carnuba Leather Cream – This is one of the best leather conditioners on the market. No petroleum products added. Apply  this to your leather seat, tank (leather) bib, and backrest. Note: Several light coats are much better than a single heavy one. Buff with a soft cloth after the conditioner/cleaner has dried. Note: When your leather gets wet, a light coat of Lexol is an excellent way to condition and preserve the leather from water damage.
Mudguard Extenders Fit mudguard extenders to protect the bike from being ‘sandblasted’ by salt and road grit
Oil Change and Lube It is good to change motorcycle oil prior to Winter storage. Change, then run it for a few minutes to get the new oil coated on the engine.Also lube moving parts (cables, etc.) with recommended lubricants.
Radiator Check your radiator levels, add aluminium safe antifreeze as necessary.
Stabilizer Moisture collects during storage and fuel can go a little off because of it. Filling the tank, adding the stabilizer and running the engine for ten minutes can minimize this effect.
Storage Try not to cover your motorcycle with a cover as although it will protect the bike from dust, it will cause condensation from forming on your bike, but it keeps dust, etc. off your bike.Instead – Make sure you store your motorcycle in a safe and secure place.  If you don’t already have a suitable area, e.g. a garage or secure shed – the Asgard Motorbike Garage is a secure and convenient alternative.  For more information, visit the Asgard Motorbike Storage range here.
Temperature Gauge Take out your “temp gauge oil” dipstick (if you have one). Put in the original for the Winter. Store the “temp gauge” in a moderately warm place. Write down that you need to reinstall the dipstick in the Spring.  If you have other (removable) equipment, do the same with it. Exposing to extreme low temperatures may affect sensitive “gauges” during Winter months.
Tire Pressure Check the tire pressure. Adjust as needed and leave a note to check in Spring.
Vinyl Clean vinyl with a vinyl cleaner, then use a vinyl protector. There are several on the market. Buff with a soft cloth when dry.
Wash Bike Thoroughly Your motorcycle needs a thorough wash job before storage. Blow dry with a leaf blower, and then towel off excess water.
Windshield Splat! – This windshield cleaner is safe for windshields and does a great job removing bugs. Note: You need to get the bugs and bug parts off as soon as possible regularly.  As well as being harder to clean when dry, Bugs have chemicals that can etch your paint and damage your windshield.

(Article SourceMotorcycle Winterizing Tips )

Have any other suggestions for storing your winter bike? Share your hints and tips with us by commenting below and we will add it to our Guide.